招 生 简 章
● 广州是亚热带的海滨城市,常年气候温和湿润,四季繁花似锦,有“花城”之美誉,以珠江和白云山而闻名,被誉为“国际花园城市”
● 广州海陆空交通便利,是连接世界各地大城市的枢纽地域。广州毗邻香港、澳门,距离港澳均两小时车程
● 广州有“食在广州”之美名,广州美食享誉世界
● 学校坐落在广州市白云山风景区内。校园内依山傍水,绿树婆娑,环境优美,是天然的大氧吧,理想的学习场所
● 广东是中国改革开放最早的地区,出口贸易额占全国三分之一,GDP(国内生产总值)稳居全国第一
● 广东是闻名全球的“世界工厂”,全球500强企业中有1/3在这里落户
● 广州商贸文化发达,每年举办两次的中国规模最大的“中国进出口商品交易会”,吸引着世界各地的客商前来采购、订货,也为我校中外学生提供了一个良好的商贸、外语实习基地
● 教学研究型大学,以外语、外经贸、管理学科见长
● 外语特色鲜明,有英、日、朝鲜、印尼-马来、越南、泰、俄、德、法、西班牙、意大利、阿拉伯、葡萄牙语、印地语、老挝语等15个外语专业
● 拥有国际商务、工商管理、国际金融、会计学、物流管理、会展经济、国际商务等知名品牌专业
● 国际商务、中国商务文化、MBA等专业以全英教学
● 毕业生主要在商贸、金融、外事领域就业,就业率99%以上
● 2013年8月成为中国教育部首批颁发38所高校之一的“来华留学示范基地”
● 享有中国政府国家留学基金委、国家汉办孔子学院、广东省地方政府和广外大自设的来华留学生奖学金
● 学制灵活,常年招生,根据学生程度分级教学
● 教师经验丰富,具有海外教授汉语的经历
● 开设商贸汉语系列课程,满足学生从事商贸活动的需要
● 定期举行“汉语角”系列课外实践活动,有英、法、西班牙、葡萄牙、俄、德、意大利、日、朝鲜、印尼-马来、越南、泰、阿拉伯语等各个外语专业的中国学生志愿者共同参与
● 围绕广东商贸文化特色,组织参观交易会、参观政府、及知名企业参观实习
1、 汉语言专业(经贸汉语方向)
2、 汉语言专业(文化与传播方向)
入学条件:学士学位,获得新HSK5级, 参加入学面试
入学条件:学士学位,获得新HSK5级, 参加入学面试
入学条件:学士学位,获得新HSK5级, 参加入学面试
入学条件:硕士学位,获得新HSK5级, 并参加入学面试
学费: 24000元/年,报名费500元
1、 汉语进修生:随时接受报名,报名时需提交:
2、 本科生:每年7月30日前接受报名,同时提交:
(1) 护照主页及来华签证页复印件各一份 ,护照相片7张,报名表
(2) HSK(汉语水平考试)证书及成绩单复印件各一份
3、 硕士研究生:每年6月30日前接受报名,报名时需提交:
(1) 以上本科生所需的(1)和(2)材料
(2) 大学本科毕业证书及学士学位证书复印件(非中文或英文的,须提供经公证的中文或英文文本)
(3) 两名副教授以上资格导师的推荐信
申请人通过我校审核后,校方将 《录取通知书》和《JW202表》寄给申请人或由申请人委托的代理人到校领取。申请人持此两份文件及护照到所在国的中国使(领)馆办理来华学习“X1”签证。
* 中国商务文化
* 国际商务
* 汉语言专业(经贸汉语方向)
* 汉语言专业(文化与传播方向)
* 国际经济与贸易等其他本科专业
地址: 中国 广东省 广州市 白云大道北2号
广东外语外贸大学(北门第七教学楼)留学生教育学院 102室
Add: No.2 North Baiyun Avenue, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R.China
Institute for International Education (No 7 Academic building, North gate)
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
Zip Code: 510420
Tel: 0086-20-36207141,36207142 HSK Hotline:0086-20-36206282
E-mail:iie@gdufs.edu.cn studyingw@hotmail.com
Web: http://iie.gdufs.edu.cn
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
l Accredited as the Model Base for Studying in China by the Ministry of Education.
l Enlisted by the China Scholarship Council and the Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, Guangdong Provincial Scholarships and GDUFS Scholarships
Geographical Location
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS) is located in Guangzhou, the capital city of Guangdong Province and the largest business center in China. Guangzhou is the largest city in this region and the 3rd largest metropolis in China, following only Beijing and Shanghai. Guangzhou has long enjoyed fame as a renowned historic and cultural centre and as the exciting economic hub of the country and is often referred to as “the Southern Gate of China”.
Guangzhou is
* A subtropical, coastal city enjoying a temperate climate throughout the year. Flowers blossom year round, giving the area the name “the City of Flowers”. Straddling the Pearl River and capped in the north by Baiyun Mountain, the city is also proud of having earned the title of “An International Livable Community”
* The city is a transportation hub boasting a highly-developed and convenient transportation network, connecting major cities around the world, and only 2 hours’ drive from Hong Kong and Macau
* Guangzhou is a gourmet paradise with enormous fame; as the saying goes “East and West, Cantonese Food is Best”
* GDUFS is embraced by Baiyun Mountain, with the north campus enjoying a beautiful environment of marvelous green hills and a variety of flowers, winding streams and intricate bridges: all immersed in fresh air, making itself an ideal place for academic studies and learning. The south campus of GDUFS is located at the Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center and offers courses in various study specializations to cultivate elite young professionals for the country.
Business Environment
* Guangdong Province:
“The Manufacturing Center of the World”, attracting investments from 1/3 of the Fortune 500 companies
“The Beacon of China’s reform and opening-up”, making up 1/3 of the nation’s export trade and topping the nation’s provincial GDP contribution
* The city of Guangzhou:
Commercial centre and economic hub: Guangzhou is the home to the biannual “China Import and Export Fair”, attracting business people from around the world, offering students from GDUFS a unique base for practical training
Evolved from the original Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Languages and the Guangzhou Institute of Foreign Trade, GDUFS has become a key university in Guangdong Province with an international reputation in foreign languages and business education. After more than 40 years’ development, the university now has 3 campuses, totaling 145 hectares in area, hosting over 40,000 students per year.
It is a university:
* oriented to both teaching and research and its well-known subjects include finance, trade, business administration and foreign languages
* known for featuring outstanding foreign language teaching, offering 15 foreign language programs such as English, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian-Malay, Vietnamese, Thai, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Arabic and Portuguese, Hindi, and Lao.
* boasting a long list of provincial key majors, including International Trade, Business Administration, International Finance, Accounting, Logistics Management, Convention Economy and International Business and more
* providing all-English programs in International Business, Chinese Business Culture and an all-English MBA program
* leading in the area of graduate employment with a rate of 99%, with its graduates being active in all trades and business
* authorized by the Nation to conduct China's Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (Chinese language proficiency test), known as HSK.
The university was accredited as one of the earliest universities to teach Chinese for non-Chinese speakers. Therefore the IIE has long been responsible for international student enrollment, teaching and administration. As of 2013, the university has received 2,140 international students from over 110 countries and regions. In August 2013 the IIE was accredited among the first group of 38 universities and colleges as the Model Base for Studying in China by the Ministry of Education. .
* Flexible program setup with year-round application and aptitude-based teaching
* Competent faculty with relevant Chinese teaching experience internationally
* Business Chinese Programs catering to different needs
* Regular Chinese Corner activities with participation by Chinese students from the 13 foreign language programs on campus (English, French, German, Russian, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian, Malay, Vietnamese, Thai, and Arabic)
* Regular visits to local trade centers and international companies in Guangdong province.
Chinese Language Programs
1. Long-Term/Short-Term Chinese Language Training Programs
Introductory, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced Levels.
Applications are accepted throughout the year. Elementary and above-level students are eligible for immediate enrollment. Flexible term arrangements are available to meet individual needs: Length of study may include 4 weeks, 8 weeks, half year, 1 year and/or up to several years.
Tuition fee: RMB 17,200 per year; RMB 8,600 per term; RMB 4,700 for 8 weeks Application fee: RMB 500
2. Intensive Chinese Training Programs (for Winter and Summer Vacations)
These 4-week programs begin in January and July each year. Participants at the Introductory, Elementary and Intermediate levels can take intensive courses in Communicative Chinese under respective program frameworks.
Tuition fee: RMB 2,600; Application fee: RMB 300
3. Guangwai International Summer School Program
This two-week programme aims to provide international students with opportunities to explore the secrets to China business, society and culture through lectures, seminars, discussions, visits to government entities and companies, and networking with people from different fields and backgrounds. Two weeks from around the end of July to early August each year. Confirmed schedule will be announced each year in advance.
Fee: 3500 (Application fee included)
4. Short-Term Study Tour Programs
These programs are tailor-made featuring Chinese language training courses, Chinese Corner activities, and sight-seeing. All are offered to help international students obtain a deeper understanding of Guangzhou City, and China as a whole, within a short time span.
All-English Programs
International Business (All-English Teaching BA Program)
This major is designed to help students develop a good understanding of the basic theories, fundamentals and skills of the English Language and international business management theory, as well as a primary capability for conducting academic research. Courses are delivered through lectures, seminars and social practice. This program will prepare students for a high-caliber, versatile career in both international business management and cross-cultural communication.
Qualifications Required: Secondary high school certificate; TOEFL 70 / IELTS 5.5 above for students from non-English-speaking countries (or pass the English language test organized by the Institute.).
Tuition fee: RMB 28,000 / year, Application fee: RMB 500.
Chinese Business Culture (All-English Teaching BA Program)
This program aims to develop the students’ ability to learn, integrate and utilize their knowledge of Chinese business culture in an intercultural context in order to facilitate pursuit of high-level careers in Chinese and foreign government agencies, international business and management enterprises as well as departments of international cultural exchange centers. Participants are expected to achieve fluency in English and exhibit personal characteristics that denote high-caliber qualities and personal integrity.
Qualifications Required: Secondary high school certificate. TOEFL 70 / IELTS 5.5 above for students from non-English-speaking countries (or pass the English language test organized by the Institute..
Tuition fee: RMB 28,000 / year, Application fee: RMB 500.
All-English MBA Program
The MBA education center, a college-level institute, was founded in July 2007. With its commitment to “global vision and instruction in English”, the center is dedicated to developing global managers with knowledge and insight of both the east and west.
The program duration is 2 years for full-time study and 3 years for part-time study. Applications are accepted twice each year in Spring and Autumn.
Qualifications required: Bachelor’s degree with 3 years of work experience; TOEFL 70 / IELTS 5.5 above for students from non English-speaking countries (or pass the English language test organized by the Institute); and an Entrance Interview.
Tuition fee: RMB 96,000 in total; Application fee: RMB 500
Undergraduate Program: Chinese Language
The duration of these programs is 4 years. Courses in the first two academic years give students a solid foundation in the basics of the Chinese language. In the third and fourth years, special module courses are offered.
1. Chinese Language (Business Chinese)
This program aims at training high-level international trade professionals by giving them a solid foundation in Chinese language and a systematic mastery of international trade theory. The conventions and regulations of international trade as well as an overview of the current situation in China are also provided. Graduates will be competent in business communication and translation relative to Chinese language and business culture and they will be trained to read business documents, articles and books on economics in Chinese, as well as in writing Chinese for business-related themes.
Qualifications Required: Secondary high school certificate. Beginners of Chinese language learning will start from grade 1 while students who already have passed the new HSK4 could start directly from grade 2. Students who have already passed the new HSK5 could start directly from grade 3.
Tuition fee: RMB 18,400 / year; Application fee: RMB 500.
2. Chinese Language (Culture and Communication)
This program aims at training high-level professionals in media professions, cultural communication institutions, journalism businesses and other industries requiring workers with excellent Chinese language proficiency, expertise in communications, a deep understanding of Chinese culture and Chinese national conditions.
Qualifications Required: Secondary high school certificate. Students passing the new HSK4 may enroll directly in grade 2 and on passing new HSK 5, they may be enrolled directly in grade 3.
Tuition fee: RMB 18,400 / year; Application fee: RMB 500.
GDUFS offers Undergraduate Programs Including International Business and more...
International Economy and Trade, International Business, Finance, Insurance, Marketing, Accounting, Business Administration, Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Logistics, Computer Science and Technology, Statistics, Information Management and System, Journalism, Advertising, Music and Performing, Art and Design, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Law, Diplomacy, International Politics, Public Administration, English, Japanese, German, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Thai, Indonesian/Malay, Vietnamese, Korean, Arabic, Hindi and Lao;. (4-year credit-based programs)
Qualifications required: Secondary high school certificate and a passing grade on the new HSK 5
Tuition fee: RMB18, 400 / year; Application fee: RMB 500
Special Preparatory Studies (for majors in Economics, Management and Finance)
Special Preparatory studies are offered for certain 4-year based majors such as Economics, Management and Finance. In these programs, the first year is designed for international students to take preparatory studies, and in the second, third and fourth years, courses in the major areas of study are offered. With successful completion of preparatory studies, students are then allowed to join the second year degree course studies with regularly- enrolled Chinese students.
Special Preparatory Studies aim at improving students’ overall academic competence in specialized Chinese, English, Mathematics and some basic module courses via lectures, discussions and field studies. Students are then able to complete business, management and related majors in a more systematic and scientific way.
Tuition fee: RMB 18,400 / year, Application fee: RMB 500.
Arts Programs: (Music and Performing, Art and Design and more.)
Qualifications required: Secondary high school certificate, and a passing grade on the new HSK 5
Tuition fee: RMB 28,000 / year, Application fee: RMB 500
Three-year Credit-Based Postgraduate Programs:
World Economics, Regional Economics, International Trade, Accounting, Business Management, Civil Law and Commercial Law, International Law, International Relations, Professional Masters Degree in Law, Study of Art, Comparative Literature and World Literature, Comparative Culture Studies, European Studies, Translation Studies, English Language and Literature, Japanese Language and Literature, Asian and African Languages and Literature, Instructional Technology and Assessment of Foreign Languages.
Two-year Credit-Based Postgraduate Programs:
Russian Language and Literature, French Language and Literature, German Language and Literature, Spanish Language and Literature, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Ideology and Politics Education, Professional Masters Degree in Business Administration, Professional Masters Degree in Translation and Interpreting, Professional Masters Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages and Business English Studies.
Qualifications required: Bachelor’s degree, a passing grade on the new HSK 5 exam and the Entrance Interview
Tuition fee: RMB 20,000 / year, Application fee: RMB 500
MIB (Masters in International Business)
This program aims to cultivate students producing multi-talented international trade professionals with comprehensive abilities in the fields of international business planning, operations, management and cross-cultural communications so as to be able to adapt to the needs of economic globalization and Chinese national conditions. It features an advanced curriculum design, a wide use of case studies, with an emphasis on promoting competence in three main areas: international business, international investment and international marketing.
Program duration: 2 years
Qualifications required: Bachelor’s degree, a passing grade on the new HSK 5 exam and the Entrance Interview
Tuition: RMB 56,000(Tuition fee, internship, teaching materials included; Application fee: RMB 500
Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of other Languages
GDUFS is entitled to provide autonomous enrollment of candidates applying for the Confucius Institute Scholarship sponsoring the Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. International students can apply for this program via the Hanban/ Confucius Institute Headquarters. Applications procedures can be found on the official Hanban website.
Program duration: 2 years
Tuition: RMB 20,000 / year (for self-sponsored students); Application fee: RMB 400.
Admission requirements: Bachelor’s Degree and a passing grade on the new HSK 5.
MTI (Master of Translation and Interpreting)
Program duration for full-time study: 2 years
Qualifications required: Bachelor’s degree, a passing grade on the new HSK 5 exam and an Entrance Interview
Tuition fee: RMB 35,000 / year; Application fee: RMB 500
Doctoral Programs
English, French, Japanese Language and Literature, Linguistics and Applied Linguistics and others.
Program duration: 3 years
Qualification required: Master’s degree, a passing grade on the new HSK 5 exam and an Entrance Interview
Tuition fee: RMB 24,000 / year; Application fee: RMB 500
In addition to being the accepting institution for scholarship students sent by the China Scholarship Council and the Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters, GDUFS is designated as granting institution for Guangdong Provincial Scholarships to international students. The university also offers university scholarships (the “Excellent New Degree Student Scholarships” and “Excellent Keep-On-Studying Degree Scholarships”) to provide financial assistance and support for international students who are interested in degree and language programs. Application procedures can be found at the “Scholarships” site on the website of the Institute for International Education.
A Comprehensive Insurance and Health/Accident Protection Scheme for Foreigners Staying in China (Including Accidental Injury Medical Treatment Insurance, Hospitalization Medical Treatment Insurance and Death Insurance): RMB 600 / year, RMB 300 / half a year, RMB 240 for three months and RMB180 for two months.
Admissions Procedures
1、 Language Training Programs
Applications accepted year round with:
Photocopy of passport and visa, 3 photos, and the application form.
2、 Undergraduate Programs: Applications must be filed before July 30 each year with the submission of the following documents/materials:
(1) Photocopy of applicants’ passport and visa, plus 7 passport-type photos and the application form
(2) Photocopy of HSK certificate and Transcript
(3) High School Certificate and transcript (Note: In case the language used in the certificate and/or transcript is neither Chinese nor English, the papers should be submitted with a notarized Chinese or English translation)
3、 Postgraduate Programs: Applications must be filed before June 30 each year. Materials for submission:
(1) Items(1)and(2)mentioned above for undergraduate applications
(2) Photocopies of University Graduation Certificate and Certificate of the applicants Bachelor’s degree (In case that the language used in the certificate or transcript is neither Chinese nor English, the papers should be submitted with a notarized Chinese or English translation)
(3) Recommendation letters by two supervisors titled associate-professor or above
4、Doctoral programs: Applications must be filed before June 30 each year. Materials for submission:
(1) Items(1)and(3)mentioned above for postgraduate programs
(2) Photocopies of Graduation Certificate and Certificate of Master’s degree. (Note: In case the language used in the certificate or transcript is neither Chinese nor English, the papers should be submitted with a notarized Chinese or English translation)
After the materials have been duly examined, successful applicants will receive or his or her entrusted person in China will pick up from the office a Notice of Admission from GDUFS, and a Visa Application Form for Study in China (JW202) issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education. Applicants are to apply for the “X1” or “X2” visa at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in their home country.
Accommodations and Canteens
The International students’ Residence on North Campus: Balconied double and quad rooms (equipped with private toilet/bath, hot water supply, air-conditioning, and internet connections. A separate Public kitchen, laundry facilities, a refrigerator, kitchenware, table, washing machine and drying machine are on every floor) are available in the international residence building on the North Campus.
Cost: RMB 1,800 / semester/ bed (RMB 450 / month/ bed) for a quad room; RMB 4,000 / semester / bed (RMB 1000 / month/ person) for a double room. Please note that the cost does not include bedding, water or electricity costs.
University canteens may well serve every appetite at a cost of around 20 RMB per day. Various restaurants (within 100 meters from the university) serve meals at reasonable prices.
Dormitories on the South Campus: Balconied international students dormitory rooms are equipped with private toilet/bath, hot water supply, air-conditioning, telephone and internet connections.
Cost: RMB 3,600 / semester/ person for a single room and RMB 3,000/ semester/ person for a double room. Please note that the cost does not include bedding, water or electricity.
* All-English Undergraduate Programs
Chinese Business Culture
International Business
* All-English MBA program
* Undergraduate Programs (Taught in Chinese)
Chinese Language (Business Chinese)
Undergraduate Program: Chinese Language (Culture and Communication)
* 57 Undergraduate Programs including International Business and more…
* Masters Programs
* Doctoral Programs
* Long-term and Short-term Chinese Language Training Programs
* Guangwai International Summer School Program
* Study Tour Programs
地址: 中国 广东省 广州市 白云大道北2号
广东外语外贸大学(北门第七教学楼)留学生教育学院 102室
Add: No.2 North Baiyun Avenue, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R.China
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies,
Institute for International Education (No 7 Academic building, North Gate)
Zip Code: 510420
Tel: 0086-20-36207141,36207142 HSK Hotline:0086-20-36206282
E-mail: iie@gdufs.edu.cn studyingw@hotmail.com
Web: http://iie.gdufs.edu.cn